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Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

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Welcome to

Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be



The Year 2 team would like to welcome you to our Year 2 page.

Here you will find lots of information about all of the fun things Class 4 and Class 5 will be learning.

We will also share some useful information so you can support your child at home. 


Meet the Teaching Team


Mrs. Crew, Mrs. Hays and Mr. Goodall are extremely excited to be the teachers in Year 2 this year

supported by Mrs. Wilkes, Mrs. Groves, Miss. Chambers. 





Reading is at the heart of our Hetts Lane curriculum and it is our intent to inspire a love of reading and we want every child to become successful, confident and fluent readers.


Each week, every child will read their Rhino Readers, decodable book at least 3 times a week with an adult in school. They will then bring home a further decodable book to read to you at home. Your child will also bring home a brilliant book of their choosing to share with you.


It is really important that you read with your child at home. Please read 4 times a week and complete the weekly reading challenge in their reading log. Record in your child’s reading log to show when you have read with your child. They will be rewarded with a certificate for showing commitment to reading at the end of every half term. We also reward 2 star readers every week. These are children who have worked hard and tried their best to show improvement in reading.


We aspire to develop a love of reading so everyday all children will listen to and engage with a story at the end of the day.  Children will also be introduced to an author each term and have access to our recommended reads to expand their reading experiences and exposure to rich vocabulary and a variety of texts.


For further information about our reading curriculum, please see our Curriculum page - English. 



At Hetts Lane we use Twinkl phonics as our Systematic, Synthetic Phonics Programme (SSP).


Everyday your child will develop their phonic skills through the stories and adventures of Kit, Sam and the Twinkl phonics family. This is integrated with games, activities and tasks which allows the children regular practise of the core skills of blending and segmenting to enable them to read and write.


We also use Rhino Readers books which are exactly aligned to the Twinkl phonic phases. This keeps a focus on phonics and supports children’s early decoding skills as they move through each level of phonics. Twinkl phonics based activities are sent home each week to help consolidate what has been learnt in school.


Please see the our Curriculum page - Phonics for further information.

Spring Term 2024


During the first half term our learning journey will continue under the heading of 'Heroes and Heroines' with a particular focus on Traditional Tales linking to Music.  We will also be looking at healthy eating in Science and using our knowledge of healthy eating in Food Technology.


The second half term will continue under the same heading of 'Heroes and Heroines' but with a focus on the United Kingdom, surrounding seas and capital cities developing our Geographical knowledge of London and London Landmarks. We will also be learning about The Great Fire of London in History using a range of resources including ICT to find out about the key events.  As the weather improves our Science learning will be to explore plants, looking at the effects of the environment on growth.



Look what we have been doing in geography. We have used simple compass directions (North, South, East and West), to describe the location of features and routes on a map of London.

Using compass directions

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Below is an overview of what we are learning so you can support your child at home. You can click on the PDF document below to download the document.

Curriculum Flyer


What a brilliant 'Book Week' we all had!

Please see below images from our West End in Schools, 'Bringing Books to Life workshops,'

the Launch of our 'Early Bird Readers' and our fabulous children dressed as 'World Book Day characters. 


Click on the link below to see more. 




Autumn Term 2023

Our learning journey will continue under the heading of 'There's No Place Like Home' with a particular focus on  Geography and where we live. The second half term will have a History focus, looking at the life of a Victorian school child and the way we used to live. 

We will be using computing to research life in the past and compare this to life as we know it now. 

We will also be taking part in a Victorian school day experience on a visit to Perlethorpe Education centre where the children will gain first hand knowledge of life in a Victorian classroom.


Our day in a Victorian Classroom!

What an amazing day we had! 

Please see 'images of our learning' below to see more pictures of our great day.




 Below is an overview of what we are learning for each half term so you can support your child at home.

You can click on the link below to download the document.

Curriculum Flyer

Images of our learning and

Supporting Learning at Home


Curriculum Flyer

Click on the picture below to listen to the story.

We will be using this story as a focus for our writing during the first half term.

After you have listened to the story, think about the following questions to help you understand the story.


Which friend did Claire meet at the start of the story?

What did Claire say to Abigail about how she hurt her knee?

Which unusual character did Claire say she met after the snake?

Why do you think Claire was telling her friends very different tales about how she hurt her knee? 

How do you think Claire's friends felt after Claire told them how she hurt her knee?

How did Claire really hurt her knee?
