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Welcome to

Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Home Page
Welcome to

Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be


Welcome to FS1! (Nursery)

Meet The Team

  Miss Shipley, Mrs Stancliffe, Mrs Edge and Mrs Marshall are the adults who will be working with your child during their time  in Nursery.  Please speak to one of us if you have any concerns, queries or comments about your child whilst they are with us.             



Your child has the opportunity to choose one of our 'Brilliant Books' every Friday morning to bring home with them in their reading folder. All these books have been carefully selected to introduce your child to high quality children's literature written by lots of well-known authors, and should really engage your child and help to interest them in exploring books and listening to stories. Please read this story to your child, encouraging them to listen carefully, talking about what they can see in the pictures, answering questions about the characters and what they are doing, and thinking about what might happen next.


Your child also has a 'Reading Log' in their reading folder. Our aim throughout school is that your child shares a book with you 4 times every week. This can be the 'Brilliant Book', a book you have at home or a book from the library. Please record this in their Reading Log with a signature, smiley face, tick or brief comment. On the adjacent page, there is also a task to complete. If four 'reads' are recorded and the task is completed, your child will receive a sticker and a mention on our weekly newsletter. Please return books and Reading Logs in your child's reading folder every Thursday, when we collect all books in and check Reading Logs. 


Children who complete all of their Reading Log on time over the half-term period receive a special certificate and small prize at the end of each half-term.


Happy Reading!!



 Useful Information

Lots of useful information about our Nursery and daily activities are contained in our 'Welcome to Nursery' booklet which you will have received when your child started with us. Please ask one of us if you require another copy of this. Here are a few reminders of some of the information this booklet contains.


Our Nursery session  begins at 8.25 a.m. and finishes at 11.25a.m. Please be  punctual- the gates are locked at 8.35a.m. If you are going to be late to collect your child please phone the main school office (01623 842224) to let us know.


Please make sure your child brings with them to Nursery every day:

                               their reading folder;

                               a clearly named water bottle containing water,(not juice, squash or flavoured water, thankyou)

                               a clearly named bag containing a spare set of clothes, including socks and underwear;

                               in the winter, a warm, waterproof coat, hat, gloves, and scarf, and in the summer a sunhat - much of our

                               learning happens in our outdoor environment, and the children need to be protected from the weather!


Every Friday, we go across to the main school hall to take part in a PE/Movement session. So that your child can move freely during this time please bring them to Nursery in PE clothing- T shirt, shorts, joggers and either plimsolls or trainers.  
