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Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

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Welcome to

Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Commitee Information

Governing Body Committee Information


As a governing body we are all required to meet each term to enable the discharge of responsibilities. However, the level of work required from the governing body is such that some work is delegated to committees and is reported back to Full Governors at our termly meetings.


Committees allow for more focused work in the relevant areas. Each governor is required to sit on at least one committee.


At Hetts Lane Infant & Nursery School we have 2 committees.


  • Pupils & Strategic Development Committee


    This committee will deal with the strategic direction of the school, and will include setting of targets, reviewing pupil data, work within the School Development Plan, monitoring attendance and behaviour reports, responding to changes in legislation, curriculum and assessment, reviewing policies and any other work deemed required and delegated.


  • Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee


    This committee will deal with all things financial, including reviewing and setting of school budgets, reviewing correct allocation of particular funding and reviewing and agree any additional expenditure. We also look at anything in relation to personnel, such as staffing reviews, policy reviews and any other work deemed required and delegated.




