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Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Home Page
Welcome to

Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Governor Information

Welcome to the Governors Information Section of our Website


As governors at Hetts Lane we are fully committed to the schools aims and understand the importance of giving every child the best educational experience and the opportunity to fulfil their potential. This always forms the basis of our work within school


We hope to use the website to extend our accessibility to parents & carers and to share with you the work we are doing within school.


Below you will find some information about our governing body, which we will be updating and adding to throughout the school year. Should there be any other information that you would like to see please do let us know.


How to get in touch with us


  • Contact the school office & leave a message for us to call you

  • Leave a letter addressed to the chair of governors at the school office


Governor Vacancies 


We currently have 2 vacancies for Governors (1 Local Authority & 1 Co-opted)


If you are interested in becoming a school governor, we are always happy to hear from professionally minded people who may wish to join our team of committed volunteers who are passionate about the school experience that children in their local community are getting


Governors are not required to manage our school on a day –day basis but do need a strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children. Being a school governor is hugely rewarding but does require your full commitment. We ask that you are able to attend 2-3 meetings each term and be willing to take up opportunities at other times.


If you feel you have skills to offer  and would like to look into joining our team please contact the school office to discuss.

