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Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

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Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School

Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be

EYFS Curriculum

The Early Years Foundation Stage at Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School


At Hetts Lane, we believe that ‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential’ (EYFS Framework ’21). We want all children to be Caring, Successful, Happy  Learners through providing a curriculum that focuses on the acquisition of fundamental basic skills, especially reading; with a focus on Vocabulary, Quality Texts and Shared Experiences to enable all children to succeed. 


Our aims are:


  • To give all children the best possible start in life to enable them to fulfil their potential.
  • To value children as individuals and for them to feel loved and cared for.
  • To promote our 4 school “values”: Respect, caring, keeping safe and doing our best. 
  • For our practise to be shaped by the 4 principles: The Unique Child, Positive Relationships, enabling environments and learning and development.
  • To provide children with a happy, caring, stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors.
  • To provide a curriculum driven by giving children opportunities, ensuring engagement, and developing a sense of responsibility. 
  • To use our curriculum as a progression model.
  • To ensure we have a focus on improving speech and language, including broadening children’s vocabulary.
  • To make sure our children experience high quality texts that are revisited.
  • To provide high quality opportunities for children to be inquisitive, curious, creative, critical thinkers and to give them the chance to consolidate, rehearse and develop their skills and knowledge. 
  • To teach phonics systematically.
  • To nurture the characteristics of effective learning


Our Curriculum


Our curriculum is driven by giving children opportunities, ensuring engagement, and developing a sense of responsibility. We have given great consideration to the knowledge that we want the children to learn during the EYFS which all feed into our curriculum. We are committed to the whole child and to the characteristics of effective learning, we want to make sure that our children have the learning behaviours they need to succeed not only in school, but in life.

We chose our curriculum by thinking about the children in our school and their needs. We used the Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters non-statutory guidance and our knowledge about the children to devise our curriculum. By the end of the EYFS we aim for all children to make accelerated progress from their starting points in order to equip them for future learning and foster characteristics to make them lifelong learners.





We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Statutory Framework (2023, DfE) alongside the Development Matters Non-Statutory Guidance (2020, DfE) to ensure our curriculum meets the needs of all our learners and offers the best possible opportunities for all. In addition to this, we follow a DfE accredited Phonics Scheme ‘Twinkl Phonics’ to ensure that all our children have the best opportunity to become confident, independent readers and writers.


Staff have developed a broad and balanced curriculum which focusses on child development and ensures children build on skills and knowledge that they already know. Each area of the curriculum is implemented through a balance of child-initiated, adults directed activities and guided play. The Characteristics of Effective Learning underpin the children’s learning and development across the seven areas. Staff ensure that the children’s needs are met through continuous provision and enhanced provision linked to topics.


Staff identify and recognise the differing needs and abilities of learners across the Early Years Foundation Stage and provide suitable provision and adaptions to learner where needed. Staff work alongside and seek support from our school SENCO and other appropriate outside agencies to ensure all learners have the opportunity to meet their full potential.


Each child’s journey through the Early Year Foundation Stage at Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School begins with us developing strong, mutual relationships with the children and their families. These strong relationships ensure that staff know the children really well and enables us to provide opportunities and learning experiences for the children to build on their existing knowledge, skills and understanding.

Our staff use opportunities through playing alongside and observing the children, to gather a clear understanding of where the children are in their learning and any gaps they may have. Staff then work as a team to discuss all of the learners and devise individual, personised next steps for each child.


On-going assessment is at the heart of good quality, effective EYFS provision. Assessment is used to inform planning and children’s next steps. A progression document is in place for each area of learning from entry to nursery through to the end of FS2 which is also linked to National Curriculum subject areas.

We provide effective and focussed intervention for those children who are finding learning challenging and are not on track to meet the expectations at the end of the year. This will ensure that all children have every chance to achieve the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Reception year.

We measure progress and children’s learning across the year through formative and summative assessments.





FS1 Long Term Curriculum Overview


Children join our nursery in FS1 the term after their 3rd birthday and our FS1 Curriculum Overview has been developed around themes which are familiar to the children, including themselves, their family and their locality. This supports all children to see themselves as successful learners from the beginning, using common familiar contexts to build and encourage self-confidence and develop their use of language.

Where appropriate links are also made to the rest of the Schools Long Term Curriculum Overview, with themes such as, “Myself and my School” in Autumn Term, “Traditional Tales” in the Spring Term and “Animals” in the Summer Term.

This enables FS1 children to be part of the whole school curriculum themes whilst at the same time focussing on the requirements of the seven areas of learning of the Foundation Stage.


FS2 Curriculum


In FS2 children follow the schools long term 3 year curriculum plan and teachers plan using subject Learning Organisers which are linked to the 7 areas of Learning from the EYFS framework. This enables children to develop the pre skills and knowledge needed to enable them to then access the KS1 curriculum.




Our ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum ensures that the needs of all learners, including those within vulnerable groups, can be met within the Early Years Foundation Stage environment through high-quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where needed. We work hard to ensure we are closing the gap for all of our learners. We aim to have well-rounded, happy and confident learners ready to transition into the next stage of their learning in Key Stage 1.


We aim for our children to make more than the expected progress from their own individual starting points despite most of our children entering our Nursery with well below the expected level of development for their age. We have high expectations of all learners and aim for as many children as possible to achieve a Good Level of Development in the Early Years Foundation Stage by the time they leave Reception.


